May 17, 2010 CERT DENIED !!
So the Question for 2009-2010 - Shall American Air Waves 'Only be Safe for Children' has been answered. Censorship of non commercial educational broadcasting, is Now a STATE'S RIGHT.
So the GOP conceding that there is no chance that Children, would ever grow up, and vote Republican, otherwise: have won the right to censor otherwise protected speech, by the Sword of the 2d Circuit's newly dubbed GREAT WHITE HOPE, Andrew Cuomo. Federal power was relinquished to him by the lesser Lord God, NDNY Thomas J. McAvoy.
So another overwhelming victory for the Tea Party Conservatives, the federalist Society and most of all the kids at WHRW FM Radio; where the Federal Judiciary has sustained their 24 hour ban of indecent and profane speech, by the abdication of regulatory responsibility of the University and President Lois B DeFleur; and thus the FCC safe harbor zone is now essentially abolished. This is what the students demanded. They hired a lawyer who aggressively fought - while never appearing - for Conservative jurists to create a new right to censor non commercial educational broadcasting on college radio. In reality Tom McAvoy won sua sponte since no one appeared on behalf of the station he wrote the defense himself and ruled it the law. The entirety of this story has been censored from all press and media world wide because quite frankly they are so corrupt they simply haven't the guts to report it - e.g., the local ultra right wing Binghamton Press GOP broadside won't either !!
CLICK HERE even my space annihilated the link
So censorship, prior restraint in the Honor of some pseudo 'sovereign' egregore, hovering over Albany, suffering indignities? Like an imaginary entity whom I say "Fuck You God" to?
Nawh, just a 55 year old nobody, me, allegedly broadcasting the word "shit" at 4 am. The mere allegation was far too much for the kids at WHRW, Andrew Cuomo, Tom McAvoy, Lois DeFleur but most especially the weak and feeble minded 3 person 2d Circuit States' Rights Conservative panel to bear, so they simply ruled that my claim that persons acting under color of law (inter alia West v Atkins) in violation of my 1st A. US Const rights, "lacks any arguable basis in law or fact". ...
Woodn't it be funny if there actually was a God, that was a man, and was as cruel as these social parasites and wanna be social parasite college students claim.
So that when they die and they all go before him: they awe his great powerful Wand of Love
and then, with it, he proceeds to ravish, each and everyone
Of their assholes
forever and ever, Ah men !!
Finally they're in heaven.
Lift the veil from Heterosexual Patriarchy - to see the reality - it's really Homosexual Patriarchy explaining why their God is a he
Tony look, it glows in the Dark. Holy Shit !! Tony you said shit, in heaven !! Does the safe harbor zone apply? No we abolished it over that very word. OOOMG. Hey Tony, get a clue, God doesn't give a shit; plus they get a double whammy for opposing Gay marriage
Butt, if you the reader allow them to have their way, and those of us once forced into FCC v Pacifica vampire hours are silenced altogether, then we shall all remain truly isolated. So rich Liberals can continue on with their satellite radio so everyone else can be scared of Coast to Coast Aliens unless they vote Conservative
What the US Supreme Court doesn't have and truly needs is a guy like this
Gerald Ford essentially closed down the Federal Government attempting to impeach William O. Douglas for ruling that the film "I Am Curious Yellow" is not obscene; and when Nixon made Ford President, Ford appointed to the US Supreme Court Stevens to take Douglas' place. Stevens is the guy that created the right to censor outside the hours of 10pm to 6am. In fact Stevens created the safe harbor zone from the bench !! Brennan who dissented in that case (FCC v Pacifica 5-4) Warned of this dangerous innovation particulary in conjunction with Miller v California(Click); yet Stevens is what the media (that censors me) deems a Liberal !!
But my Goddess Saviour comes to me through Spirit, earth, water, air and fire nurturing me in repose and I Love and adore her so much and for eternity
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